SearchPub NSSC Public Search Engine  

This page provides help on how to enter search text and what abbreviations/values to use for document categories, document types, host computers and organizations.

Use the following examples to help you enter information into the search text fields:

Search textDocuments with
SupportThe word Support in them
Support and Mission The word Support and Mission in them
Support and not Mission The word Support but not Mission in them
Support or Mission The word Support or Mission in them
Support Mission The word Support and Mission in them
"Support Mission" The exact phrase Support Mission in them
Support* Words that start with Support in them
*port Words that end with port in them
Supp??? 7 letter words that start with Supp in them
Mi??ion 7 letter words that start with MI followed by 2 unknown characters and end with ion in them

Here's a few rules to remember when specifying search text:


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